One of the struggles for many elderly low- to moderate-income families in North Carolina has been the ability to maintain their homes while living on fixed incomes. Many families are faced with the painful decision of either paying for expensive medicine, food and utilities or attempting to pay for essential housing repairs. In many cases, the repairs are delayed and as more time passes, the repair issues become worse and more expensive.
For several years, the state transferred its housing funding to infrastructure projects (water/sewer system improvements). This transfer created a much needed boost to local infrastructure programs, but the housing needs continued to grow. Fortunately in recent years, North Carolina returned funding to housing programs for low- and moderate-income families. This added potential housing repair program resources primarily addressing health, safety and accessibility issues including:
- Electrical System Repair / Upgrade
- Heating and Air Conditioning System Repair
- Plumbing System Repair / Upgrade
- Structural System (Floor / Walls) Repair Upgrade
- Roof System Repair / Upgrade
- Window and Door Repair / Replacement
- Insulation (Attic and Subfloor)
- Exterior Siding Repair / Replacement
- Accessibility Upgrades
- Wheelchair Ramps / Grab Bars
- Bathroom Modifications
Centralina recently assisted Stanly County and Lincoln County with housing repair applications and successfully received funding in the following housing program areas:
Stanly County requested Centralina’s assistance with the preparation of a Community Development Block Grant – Neighborhood Revitalization (CDBG-NR) application. Centralina staff met with the Stanly County Manager and other County staff, discussed the housing needs and then prepared and submitted a CDBG-NR application to the North Carolina Department of Commerce in the amount of $750,000 to assist elderly, low- and moderate- income families with housing repairs.
This was an extremely competitive process considering Stanly County was competing with all non-entitlement communities state-wide for limited funding. The Department of Commerce recently approved the Stanly County application and Centralina is currently implementing the County’s CDBG-NR housing program. The project will provide housing repair assistance to 10 low- and moderate-income families.
Stanly and Lincoln County also requested Centralina’s assistance with the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) Essential Single Family Repair Loan Pool 2000 (ESFRLP20) programs to assist elderly, low-moderate income families. Centralina staff met with County management, conducted outreach efforts, identified qualified beneficiaries and assisted with application submittal. The ESFRLP programs are funded in three-year cycles to each County. Stanly and Lincoln County recently received $200,000 funding allocations and Centralina is currently implementing both housing programs. Ten families will receive housing repair assistance from the ESFRLP20 programs.
The housing needs for elderly, low-moderate income families continue to grow and Centralina will continue to partner with cities and counties throughout the region to identify critical needs and potential funding sources and implement programs to address those needs.
Grant Preparation or Administration Support
If you would like technical assistance help with your CDBG-NR Program, you can learn more about our support services for the NC Commerce 2021 application period here.