Centralina Area Agency on Aging (AAA)’s mission is to “support and enhance the capacity of service and advocacy systems to promote independence, preserve dignity and advocate for the rights of older and disabled adults and their families.” The Centralina AAA team is comprised of talented and insightful individuals, many of whom have years of higher education, extensive experience in the aging field and a passion for protecting and caring for older adults and people with disabilities. Centralina AAA strongly supports opportunities for professional development and continuing education to help each staff member grow in their roles and responsibilities and best serve residents and member communities throughout our region. This fall, AAA staff took part in three different training and certification opportunities to help increase knowledge and capacity in order to fulfill Centralina’s organization-wide mission to advance opportunity and improve quality of life for our region’s residents and communities.
Aging Sensitivity Training
In September, AAA staff participated in an Aging Sensitivity training at a regularly scheduled team staff meeting. Interactive exercises showed participants the difficulties older adults with health problems like arthritis, glaucoma and even stroke side effects face when trying to tackle everyday tasks. Staff utilized provided materials like gloves and glasses that mimicked common health conditions and reported struggling while walking through exercises related to daily activities like reading a magazine, sorting medicine or writing out their name and address. Experienced Centralina AAA trainers provided attendees with considerations and best practices for working with older adults throughout our region who may struggle with daily responsibilities due to health conditions. Those in attendance received certificates of completion and are now able to serve as trainers for future sessions conducted in our region. This training is one of several communication-based courses offered by Centralina AAA that is available to member governments.

Dementia Friends
Have you ever thought about how many steps it takes to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? It may seem simple to some, but for people with dementia, it can be hard to retrace familiar steps or remember parts of everyday routines. AAA staff were asked in a recent training to list out the steps for a training exercise, only to see during the demonstration how people with dementia may get confused easily or misunderstand directions.

Dementia Friends, offered through Dementia Friendly America, is a global movement that is changing the way people think, act and talk about this life-changing condition through training that shows people what it’s like to live with dementia. This training is also available to member governments and can be lead and facilitated by Centralina AAA Dementia Champions. In October, AAA staff took part in an informational session to become Dementia Friends, which included presentations, demonstrations and exercises that helped staff better understand the facts behind the condition and tips for how to communicate with and interact with those with dementia. Staff interested can take part in additional training to become Dementia Champions and lead trainings in our region. Centralina Regional Council has partnered with the organization for several years, and even awarded Dementia-Friendly Charlotte-Mecklenburg with the Region of Excellence Award for Aging in Action in 2019. Learn more about Dementia Friendly through these previously written Centralina articles.
SAGECare Training

SAGECare is an organization that provides training and consulting on LGBTQ+ aging issues to service providers. Trainings teach providers how to explain terms such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender that can be used with the older adult community, as well as education on the needs of LGBTQ+ older adults, caregivers and their care network. Centralina AAA has been certified as a SAGE Platinum organization for several years, which requires yearly training on new topics to maintain this certification status. All AAA staff completed this year’s training, titled “Identifying & Supporting Caregivers in the LGBTQ+ Community”, in December, which focused on the unique issues experienced by LGBTQ+ caregivers and best practices for supporting this community. Centralina AAA’s 2023 recertification showcases the organization’s commitment to providing an inclusive and affirming environment for LGBTQ+ older adults in our region.
If you are interested in learning more about services provided by Centralina AAA to regional residents and member communities, please take a look at this flyer, visit the Centralina AAA website or reach out by phone at 1-800-508-5777 or by email at aging@centralina.org with questions or requests.