September was National Preparedness Month, the perfect time for Centralina Community Economic Development (CED) staff to travel to Anson County to collaborate on pre-disaster recovery planning. Centralina CED, Anson County Emergency Management, staff from various departments within Anson County and subject matter experts from Innovative Emergency Management (IEM) partnered with critical private-public entities to learn about how they may collaboratively inform economic resilience for their communities.
More than 30 individuals met together at the Anson County Emergency Operations Center on September 19, 2023, to discuss their roles and responsibilities in the development of Anson Countyâs Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan. While the Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan is not an incident specific recovery plan, it includes various recovery topics that require collaboration through local government led recovery plan annex committees. The six Recovery Annex Committees for Anson County include Community Planning and Development, Economic Resiliency, Health and Social Services, Housing, Infrastructure and Natural and Cultural Resources. This event served as an opportunity to gather necessary information, elevate critical voices, introduce recovery annex committee members to each other and begin determining next steps in the planâs development. This work is part of the Centralina Regional Resilience Collaborative (RRC) roadmap and workplan activities being conducted in the nine-county Centralina region.

As a bonus to this visit, Centralina staff met Anson Countyâs Emergency Management K9 and emotional support animal, Ace! We would like to give special thanks to Chief Rodney Diggs for his dedicated support of the Centralina RRC initiative and his commitment to economic resilience and safety in Anson County.
Centralina and our partners will continue to support the region in enhancing disaster recovery and resilience through the ongoing work of Centralina RRC. Follow along as we continue moving the economic resilience needle towards success for all on the Regional Resilience & Recovery website page.